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Give Students More.

Introducing the roomie planner. A one-of-a-kind software platform that provides to scale models of every dorm room at no cost to the university.

About Roomie

Since 2012, we have worked with dozens of colleges and universities to improve campus sleep. In our recent survey, 55,000 college students told us that they wanted better tools for planning and furnishing their rooms. So we built a no-cost tool.

Layer 5

See it in action

What if students could interact with an accurate 3D model of their room?

Within the roomie planner, students can drag and drop furniture, find out exactly how much space is left for those plastic drawers and collaborate with their roommate to agree in advance whose bed will be next to the window.

Why Roomie?

no cost


The roomie planner is free to institutions and families.

fewer calls

Fewer Calls 

Free up housing staff inboxes from student and parent inquiries about their room layout.


Quick to Implement

Allow roomie a few hours on campus to create scans of your residence halls and models are live within weeks.

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